Philips GreenPower LED toplighting compact

Why Philips LED toplighting?

philips greenpower led toplighting compact

If you’re looking to retrofit your greenhouse or grow facility, Philips GreenPower LED toplighting compact allows you to easily switch to energy-efficient LED lighting. Due to minimal heat radiation of LED grow lights, Philips toplighting allows you to manage light and heat separately while giving you greater control over your grow climate. And compared to HPS, LED toplighting can reduce your energy costs and lower maintenance costs.

Boost production of your tomato, strawberry, cannabis, ornamentals, lettuce, leafy greens with Philips LED toplighting compact. Dimmable with GrowWise Control Systems and the Philips adapter 0-10V. 


The Philips LED toplighting compact grow light is the easy, energy efficient 1-to-1 replacement for high pressure sodium (HPS) lighting. Deliver the right light levels for your light-loving crop while easily managing your grow climate.

Philips GreenPower LED toplighting compact 1.3




Voltage input




520-600 W

645-780 W

Light output

1650-1900 µmol/s

1750-2650 µmol/s


2.8-3.7 µmol/J

2.7-3.5 µmol/J

IP Rating




Q95 36,000 hours

Q95 36,000 hours


5-year limited

5-year limited

*Toplighting compact dimmable requires Philips GrowWise Control Systems (GWCS)


Technical specifications


Our proven recipes for growth

Make the easy switch from HPS to LED grow lights with the new Philips LED toplighting compact

With the new Philips LED toplighting compact (TLC), growers can easily switch from HPS to LED grow lights, using your existing HPS set-up and trellis construction. The high light output of up to 1800 µmol/s and high efficacy of up to 3.0 µmol/J can help growers optimize crop growth, enhance crop quality and cut operational costs. If you have light-loving crops, the Philips LED toplighting compact is for you.

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IPM- International Plant Fair
Essen, 24-27 January

Fruit Logistica
Berlin, 8-10 February

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